Financial Information
Please click on the link below to access financial benchmarking information regarding the school.
Your school - Financial Benchmarking and Insights Tool - GOV.UK
23-24 Commentary
We work hard to generate additional income for the school, using our experienced, skilled leaders to support other schools and share our good practice. We also have a very active association which raises funds for the school. This means that we are able to spend more on educational resources and on developing our environment (premises) to directly benefit our pupils. Therefore, there is no action plan to reduce spending in these areas. We front loaded payment of our new MIS so the spend on administrative supplies will reduce back down in 24-25.
As a smaller than average school, we maintain a high level of reserves (savings) to ensure that variations in funding locally and nationally do not impact on our day to day running and our ability to plan long term for staffing etc.
Financial planning is undertaken for 1 year, 3 year and 5 year projections.